<![CDATA[台灣馬迅國際有限公司]]> http://www.far-easy.com/tw/index.html Sun, 18 Mar 2012 16:35:57 +0000 3600 抽管機 (立式) (CJ-126) http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/169.html CJ-126立式抽管機系列是提供給,大量使用管類的企業,例如汽機車零件,自行車零件,運動器材,家具業等等,這些企業考量管材成本日漸加高,為達降低購置成本及節省資源,所產生的機器.將原本需賤價被收購的管材,重新再被運用.

PS. 被加工管須視情形,才可運用.





產品櫥窗 Thu, 15 Mar 2012 01:51:26 +0000
半自動雙頭倒角機 (CJ - 320 CX / CJ - 320 DX) http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/CJ320CX-176.html 產品櫥窗 Wed, 14 Mar 2012 06:24:07 +0000 半自動雙頭倒角機 (CJ - 320 A / CJ - 320 B) http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/cj-320-171.html 產品櫥窗 Wed, 14 Mar 2012 06:20:49 +0000 TCT 鋸片 - BT http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/tct-saw-blade-bt-173.html

產品櫥窗 Tue, 13 Mar 2012 08:58:59 +0000
TCT 鋸片 - ST http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/tct-81.html

產品櫥窗 Mon, 12 Mar 2012 10:19:40 +0000
鋼結構鑽頭研磨機 (DS-32H) http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/precision-drill-sharpener-ds-32h-167.html Specialized Precision Drill Sharpener for Steel Structure
Hill-type Drill Sharpener
Twist Drill Sharpener
Advantage:Easy to operate and grinding single drill 

 Cam Device

This machine is equipped with 4 cams (No.1-No.4), it can be used in grinding the drill bit, end milling, screw tapping and core drilling by simply changing the cam only.

Drill Positioning Device

To grind the drill of different diameter, you can adjust the scale according to the diameter, place any cutting edge parallelled to the positioning device, and start the process. This method applies to any other cutters as well.

Sharpping drills with upward-downward vibration

An innovation of sharpping drills with upward-downward vibration. Use a chunk to clamp the drill, only shake the grip, and the drill will rotate, sway back and forth, and the working tip will oscillate up and down, three actions proceed simultaneously. Changing angles automatically to sharpen the front edge angle, debris angle and skive the drill and center point. all actions can be finished in one process. It displays a high effciency and high precision performance.

Adjusting button for rear bevel angle of drill

An adjusting button for rear bevel angle of drill can control the shape size of the rear bevel angle. when more sharp edge is required, turn the button to higher scale tigue, so you will get whatever you desired.

產品櫥窗 Sat, 3 Mar 2012 06:25:25 +0000
端銑刀研磨機 (MS-32C) http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/end-mill-spiral-sharpener-ms-32c-165.html Grinding outer diameter of end mill, side cutter, reamer , and drill.

Cam Device

This machine is equipped with 4 cams (No.1-No.4), it can be used in grinding the drill bit, end milling, screw tapping and core drilling by simply changing the cam only.

Drill Positioning Device

To grind the drill of different diameter, you can adjust the scale according to the diameter, place any cutting edge parallelled to the positioning device, and start the process. This method applies to any other cutters as well.

Sharpping drills with upward-downward vibration

An innovation of sharpping drills with upward-downward vibration. Use a chunk to clamp the drill, only shake the grip, and the drill will rotate, sway back and forth, and the working tip will oscillate up and down, three actions proceed simultaneously. Changing angles automatically to sharpen the front edge angle, debris angle and skive the drill and center point. all actions can be finished in one process. It displays a high effciency and high precision performance.


Adjusting button for rear bevel angle of drill

An adjusting button for rear bevel angle of drill can control the shape size of the rear bevel angle. when more sharp edge is required, turn the button to higher scale tigue, so you will get whatever you desired.

產品櫥窗 Sat, 3 Mar 2012 06:24:54 +0000
鑽頭研磨機 (DS-32A) http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/precision-drill-sharpener-161.html

Cam Device

This machine is equipped with 4 cams (No.1-No.4), it can be used in grinding the drill bit, end milling, screw tapping and core drilling by simply changing the cam only.

Drill Positioning Device

 To grind the drill of different diameter, you can adjust the scale according to the diameter, place any cutting edge parallelled to the positioning device, and start the process. This method applies to any other cutters as well.

Sharpping drills with upward-downward vibration

An innovation of sharpping drills with upward-downward vibration. Use a chunk to clamp the drill, only shake the grip, and the drill will rotate, sway back and forth, and the working tip will oscillate up and down, three actions proceed simultaneously. Changing angles automatically to sharpen the front edge angle, debris angle and skive the drill and center point. all actions can be finished in one process. It displays a high effciency and high precision performance.

Adjusting button for rear bevel angle of drill

 An adjusting button for rear bevel angle of drill can control the shape size of the rear bevel angle. when more sharp edge is required, turn the button to higher scale tigue, so you will get whatever you desired.

產品櫥窗 Sat, 3 Mar 2012 06:23:56 +0000
鑽頭研磨機 (DS-32B) http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/precision-drill-sharpener-32B-163.html Grind the outside diameter of end milling cutter,side milling cutter,reamer and outside diameter of drill.

Cam Device
This machine is equipped with 4 cams (No.1-No.4), it can be used in grinding the drill bit, end milling, screw tapping and core drilling by simply changing the cam only.

Drill Positioning Device
To grind the drill of different diameter, you can adjust the scale according to the diameter, place any cutting edge parallelled to the positioning device, and start the process. This method applies to any other cutters as well.

Sharpping drills with upward-downward vibration
An innovation of sharpping drills with upward-downward vibration. Use a chunk to clamp the drill, only shake the grip, and the drill will rotate, sway back and forth, and the working tip will oscillate up and down, three actions proceed simultaneously. Changing angles automatically to sharpen the front edge angle, debris angle and skive the drill and center point. all actions can be finished in one process. It displays a high effciency and high precision performance.

Adjusting button for rear bevel angle of drill
An adjusting button for rear bevel angle of drill can control the shape size of the rear bevel angle. when more sharp edge is required, turn the button to higher scale tigue, so you will get whatever you desired.
產品櫥窗 Sat, 3 Mar 2012 06:14:41 +0000
Automatic Carbide Sawing http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/automatic-carbide-sawing-159.html      

產品櫥窗 Sat, 3 Mar 2012 03:11:36 +0000
CW T型銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/t-slot-milling-cutters-080-14-22-38.html 魔王銑刀之側銑刀 槽銑刀 盤銑刀 T型銑刀 背銑刀系列

此系列為產品裡面厚度最厚的類別.刀盤直徑從80~250mm,厚度14~30mm皆可選購刀片使用CNGX 寬面切削,增強切削強度此刀片有4個有效加工角,降低加工成本.

產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:43:33 +0000
CE 盤銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/disc-milling-cutters-080-14-22-36.html 魔王銑刀之側銑刀 槽銑刀 盤銑刀 T型銑刀 背銑刀系列

此系列為產品裡面厚度最厚的類別.刀盤直徑從80~250mm,厚度14~30mm皆可選購刀片使用CNGX 寬面切削,增強切削強度此刀片有4個有效加工角,降低加工成本.

產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:42:47 +0000
SG T型銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/t-slot-milling-cutters-50-4-32.html 側銑刀 槽銑刀  T型銑刀 背銑刀系列

此系列刀盤直徑從25~250mm,厚度4~22mm皆可選購刀片使用SNGX 系列,4個有效加工角,降低加工成本.

最新刀具及刀片幾何角度設計,使加工速度快300%至500% ,提高生產效率, 降低刀具加工成本.

產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:41:19 +0000
ST T型銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/t-slot-milling-cutters-80-6-22-30.html 側銑刀 槽銑刀  T型銑刀 背銑刀系列

此系列刀盤直徑從25~250mm,厚度4~22mm皆可選購刀片使用SNGX 系列,4個有效加工角,降低加工成本.

最新刀具及刀片幾何角度設計,使加工速度快300%至500% ,提高生產效率, 降低刀具加工成本.

產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:40:34 +0000
SC 盤銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/disc-milling-cutters-80-4-22-28.html 側銑刀 槽銑刀  T型銑刀 背銑刀系列

此系列刀盤直徑從25~250mm,厚度4~22mm皆可選購刀片使用SNGX 系列,4個有效加工角,降低加工成本.

最新刀具及刀片幾何角度設計,使加工速度快300%至500% ,提高生產效率, 降低刀具加工成本.

產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:39:28 +0000
SBL T型銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/t-slot-milling-cutters-080-12.html 此系列刀盤直徑從30~160mm,厚度1.0~8.0mm皆可選購刀片使用千鳥刃LNGT及四角型SNGX 刀片切削,可依據不同加工材料選購不同切削角度刀片.



產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:30:32 +0000
TS T型銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/t-slot-milling-cutters-1030-1-18.html 此系列刀盤直徑從30~160mm,厚度1.0~8.0mm皆可選購刀片使用千鳥刃LNGT及四角型SNGX 刀片切削,可依據不同加工材料選購不同切削角度刀片.



產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:30:11 +0000
TS T型銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/t-slot-milling-cutters-30-1-20.html 此系列刀盤直徑從30~160mm,厚度1.0~8.0mm皆可選購刀片使用千鳥刃LNGT及四角型SNGX 刀片切削,可依據不同加工材料選購不同切削角度刀片.



產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:30:00 +0000
TS T型銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/t-slot-milling-cutters-30-6-22.html 此系列刀盤直徑從30~160mm,厚度1.0~8.0mm皆可選購刀片使用千鳥刃LNGT及四角型SNGX 刀片切削,可依據不同加工材料選購不同切削角度刀片.



產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:29:51 +0000
TS T型銑刀 http://www.far-easy.com/tw/product/t-slot-milling-cutters-40-1-24.html

產品櫥窗 Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:29:41 +0000